In accordance with the Advertising Standards Agency guidelines regarding advertising, we are required to inform you that we participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Programme.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Therefore, some of the links on this website, be it images or text, will be affiliate links and if you choose to make a purchase through these links then we receive a commission. The amount varies product to product.
Although it is at no cost to you, the consumer, if you do not wish to participate, simply avoid clicking the links to purchase the product via our site.
Sometimes, companies contact us for collaborations, whereby we receive products free of charge in exchange for a review of the product on our website. Whenever we produce a review for a gifted/freebie product, we have a heading ‘Ad Product Placement’.
Companies have not paid us to feature their products in our ‘Best of…’ product reviews, however as described we do use affiliate advertising to receive a commission if a product is purchased via
We are also not users of all the products listed on the site (but inform you where and when we have owned or used any of the products personally).