Lexan is a difficult material to cut. Using a table saw can cause chipping, which leads to one question. Can you cut Lexan with a table saw?
You can cut Lexan with a table saw if you’re using the right blade and following the proper way. There are a few things that can prevent Lexan from chipping when you’re cutting it with a table saw.
If you’re interested to know more about the issue, make sure to read the entire article.

Can You Cut Lexan With A Table Saw?
You can treat Lexan as plywood. That means any power saw with the right blade type will be able to cut Lexan. What is the right blade type for cutting Lexan? Let’s find out.
The specification of a blade suitable for cutting Lexan includes a higher teeth count and carbide for its material. A carbide-tipped blade will ensure a clean cut without chipping the material.
You can also check my article on can I cut acrylic on a table saw if you’re interested.
How To Cut Lexan With A Table Saw?
Now that you know that it’s possible to cut Lexan with a table saw let’s get to the actual procedure.
Step 1: Safety First
Before operating your table saw to cut Lexan, you will have to be entirely ready. That means using goggles to protect your eyes, earmuffs to protect you from loud noise, and a mask to protect you from dust.
It’s also essential that you keep a tidy workspace to avoid any accidents. In addition, install an effective dust collection system before getting started.
Step 2: Measure The Lexan
If you want to cut Lexan without any errors, you have to mark the sheets with precise measurements. Use an accurate measuring tape along with a marker to create the measuring lines on your sheets.
Step 3: Choose The Right Blade
Selecting the right blade when cutting Lexan is essential. Because the material can be a bit challenging to cut without chipping, you have to be careful. The blade can play an important role in cutting the material with perfection.
As I have mentioned before, the right blade type here is a carbide-tipped blade with a higher teeth count. When installing the blade on the table saw, make sure that the saw is unplugged from the power source.
Step 4: Adjust The Settings
After you’ve attached the blade to the saw, it’s time to adjust the settings. According to your measurement, adjust the fence and lock it in place. It is an important step to take if you want the pieces to be accurate.
You will also have to set the blade height. It should be half inch higher than the sheet’s height. Raising is higher or lower than that can have a negative impact on the procedure.
Step 5: Masking Tape
You must be wondering what masking tape has to do anything with cutting Lexan. Well, it’s a little hack you can use to ensure a clean cut without chipping the material. Attach masking tape on top of the measuring line.
This keeps the material together and prevents it from breaking when going through the blade.
Step 6: Cut Slowly
Turn on the table saw and feed the Lexan sheet slowly into the blade through the masking tape. Be extremely careful and keep your hands away from the blade. One thing you might experience with Lexan is smoking.
If the material starts smoking, slow down. Once the smoking settles down, feed the blade again using a slow pace. Once you get the entire sheet cut, wait for the blade to stop spinning. Collecting the sheets before the blade stops can get you injured before even realizing it.
Now, collect the sheets and remove the masking tapes from them. Check if the measurements are correct. If they’re not, make the necessary adjustments.
What Other Tools Can Cut Lexan?
Even though Lexan is not something you cut everyday, there are multiple tools that you can use to cut Lexan. Let’s take a look at them.
A table saw is great for making straight cuts. However, if you want to make curvy cuts, you must use a bandsaw. In fact, many people prefer using a band sawover a table saw. So, if you don’t have the option to use a table saw and have a band saw lying around the house, it’s a great option to consider.
Circular Saw
Another option to consider is a circular saw. Most materials that you can cut with a table saw can be cut using a circular saw. Sometimes, a circular saw can be more flexible and easy to use, depending on what you’re cutting.
Another great option to consider is a jigsaw. Considering that you’re using the right blade, jigsaws can become a multipurpose tool without a doubt. So, you can also use a jigsaw instead of a table saw when cutting Lexan.
Utility Knife
If the Lexan sheet you’re cutting is not thick, you can use a utility knife to cut it. The process is pretty simple. However, thick sheets won’t do well with this method. You will need an even surface to do this.
The first thing to do is to measure and mark the sheet. Create a line. Now, use your utility knife to score the sheet by running it through the measured line. Do this a few times to make the cut deeper.
Now, turn over the board, lift it up from the workbench, and put pressure downward on both sides. This will snap the sheet in half. You can then sand the sides and make them smoother.
If you’re searching for more unique ideas to cut Lexan, NinjaDIY has an excellent article on it.
Safety Tips For Cutting Lexan
When operating a tool asa table saw, there is no such thing as being too careful, especially if you’re cutting Lexan. So, let’s go through some safety tips before you get started with your table saw.
- Never wear loose clothing when you’re working with a table saw.
- Make sure to use ear protection, goggles, and a mask. Avoiding using gloves.
- Don’t get your hands too close to the blade when it’s spinning. No matter how experienced you are, it’s always best not to take any chances.
- Keep the workspace organized. The more cluttered the space is, the more chances there will be of you getting injured with the table saw.
- Watch out for the Lexan making smoke when going through the blade. Take brief pauses between cutting the material.
- Make sure to installan effective dust collection system to avoid health issues.
Frequently Asked Questions

What is Lexan?
Lexan is actually a brand name, not the material you cut with a power tool. The actual material is polycarbonate. It’s a plastic resin material that can be used for several purposes. For instance, it’s often used in building solar panels and aquariums.
Can I laser cut Lexan?
Using the laser to cut Lexan is one of the best ways, considering several aspects. For instance, it’s easier to cut the material and get a precise cut. Nonetheless, the laser is an expensive method to cut Lexan. The next best option that comes close is using a table saw.
Can I cut Lexan with a utility knife?
If you’re cutting a thin sheet, it’s possible. You only have to know the right way. The process is more like snapping the Lexan in half and not cutting it all the way. Using a utility knife will score the Lexan board and create a line. You can that use that scoring line to snap the Lexan by putting pressure on both sides of the sheet.
What is the best tool to cut Lexan?
The best tool depends on a lot of things. For instance, if you’re making straight cuts, a table saw is your best option. It’s easy to use, affordable, and easily available everywhere. On the contrary, if you’re making curved cuts, a table saw won’t be suitable.
A band saw is comparatively a better option for curved cuts. Overall, it depends on what tool you have available, how much you’re willing to invest, and what tool you feel more comfortable with.
The most affordable way to cut Lexan is to use a utility knife. The downside of this method is that you may have to adjust the piece after cutting. Besides, you can’t cut thicker pieces of Lexan using a utility knife.
Final Words
If I’m answering the original question of can you cut Lexan with a table saw or not, you absolutely can. In fact, It’s one of the best ways to cut Lexan if you know how to do it the right way. Some simple steps can go a long way in preventing chipping. Using masking tape on the cutting line is something that helps a lot. In addition, the key to getting a clean and precise cut is to go slow.