Blue boards can prove to be effective for many uses. However, it can be a bit challenging to cut these boards. If you own a table saw, one obvious question is can you cut blue board with table saw?
You can cut a blue board with a table saw. Among other options, this can be the most effective one if you can find a way to deal with the dust. Following the proper way is also essential in this matter.
If you are wondering how you can effectively cut blue boards using a table saw, make sure to read the entire article.

Can You Cut Blue Board With Table Saw?
A table saw can be the perfect unit to cut blue boards. With the functionality of blue boards comes the difficulty of cutting them. Finding the right tool is always a bit of a hassle.
However, if you have a table saw, there’s nothing to worry about. You can get precise cuts without going through any complications.
Many people do not prefer cutting blue boards with their table saws because of the amount of dust it generates. However, if you use a table saw on a daily basis, you already know how to deal with dust.
On the contrary, if you are new to using a table saw or thinking about investing in a new one, you will have to learn how to control the dust. Even with the dust, it’s one of the best tools for cutting blue boards.
How To Cut Blue Board With Table Saw?
Now, it’s time to get to the process of cutting a blue board with a table saw. It’s a straightforward method, and you won’t need much preparation for it either. Before getting to the process, let’s collect the things you will need.
Things You’ll Need
- Table saw
- Measurement tape
- Marker
- A sharp blade
Step-By-Step Procedure
- The first thing to do is to measure and mark your blue boards according to your necessity. It’s an essential part if you want your cuts to be precise. This is where you will be using your measuring tape and marker.
- Once you are done marking the pieces, it’s time to prepare your table saw. You need to use a sharp blade for cutting the blue boards. If you’re using an old blade, make sure to keep an extra one in case the current one gets blunt.
- A sharp blade will not only make clean cuts but also prevent kickbacks. Keep the table saw unplugged from the power outlet when adjusting the settings. Make sure that the fence is in place and the blade is set to a height that suits the boards.
- When the machine is ready, you need to prepare yourself. Because cutting blue boards will generate a lot of dust, using a mask is mandatory. Also, make sure that your workshop has an effective dust collection system.
- Table saws can be loud. So, you will need a pair of earmuffs or earphones to cancel the noise and protect your ears. If you’re interested, you can check my article on why is my table saw so loud.
- Use proper clothing and a pair of goggles to protect your eyes too.
- Now that everything is prepared, you need to start cutting the board. Connect the table saw to the power source and then turn it on. Allow the blade to reach its highest speed. Then, slowly push the blue board toward the blade.
- Make sure to keep your hands at a safe distance from the blade. Be patient and slowly finish cutting the board. Push the board downward, forward, and toward the fence all at once while cutting it.
- If you’re not happy with how the piece came out, make adjustments according to your preference. After a few adjustments, the board will reach the size you want it to be. The best thing is to cut a few experimental pieces at first to check if all settings are correct.
- It also helps you practice so that you can get cleaner cuts with your functional blue boards.
- Keep the boards you cut in a separate place and clean up the place. Get rid of the dust before removing your safety gear.
What Other Tools Can Cut Blue Board?
A table saw is not your only option when cutting blue boards. There are other tools you can use. Let’s take a look at a few of them.
Utility Knife
The cheapest way you can cut a blue board is by using a scorer or a utility knife. The process is simple and will work fine for thinner boards. At first, you will have to clamp the board on a working table. This will help the board to stay in place when you’re cutting.
Now, use a ruler to measure the required length and then cut alongside the ruler using the knife. The motive is to create a cut deep enough so that you can break the board with your hands. The knife will not cut the board entirely.
Once the cut is complete, break the board into two pieces using your hands. There might be some harsh edges that you will have to alter. Sharpen them and make them clean using a sander.
Circular Saw
The utility knife method is only good for when you’re cutting thin pieces. If you have thinner pieces to cut, a circular saw will be an excellent option. Much like a table saw, circular saws also create a lot of dust. Unfortunately, the dust that generates from blue boards is harmful to health.
So, make sure that you’re using a mask when operating a circular saw to cut blue boards. Using a fiber cement blade will prove to be functional in this situation. If you are searching for recommendations, No products found.
is an excellent one for cutting blue boards.
Another uncommon tool you can use if you have one is a grinder. You can make cleaner cuts to your blue boards if you use the right size and the right disk. You will need a 4-inch grinder for cutting blue boards. As for the disc, the best one is a masonry disk, especially for cutting a blue board.
Note that you will have to deal with the dust issue when using a grinder for cutting blue boards.
For many people, a jigsaw is the best way to cut blue boards. There are plenty of reasons for preferring this tool over the others. For instance, you can create clean cuts with a jigsaw. In addition, the dust also stays at a minimum. So, it seems like a good idea to use a jigsaw when cutting a blue board.
Nonetheless, jigsaws aren’t very common tools that people just have in their homes. That’s why tools like table saws are more popular for cutting materials, even though they generate more dust than jigsaws.
Wet Saw
If you’re searching for a solution to the dust problem, a wet saw is your answer. It’s not a regularly used tool, but it does a great job of cutting blue boards. So, if you want to explore all options and evaluate the alternative methods of cutting blue boards, make sure to keep a wet saw on your list.
Safety Tips For Using A Table Saw
- Avoid wearing baggy clothes and jewelry that can prove to be dangerous around a table saw. Wear appropriate clothes before starting your work.
- Keep your workplace clean and free from clutter. Tripping over something and getting injured is not as uncommon as you would imagine.
- Never underestimate the bad effect of dust on your lungs. So, make sure to install a high-end dust collection system for your table saw. This is applicable while cutting all types of materials.
- Wear goggles and earmuffs. Table saws can cross the safe limit of noise. So, don’t take any chances.
- Keep extra blades as a backup when you’re cutting materials like blue boards. They can make your blade blunt, and you do not want to use a blunt blade on your table saw.
- Apart from the duration that you’re actually cutting the material, keep the table saw unplugged from the power source. Even though it is not turned on, keep it unplugged.
- Do not have any bystanders around you when you’re operating a table saw.
- For any information about your table saw, check the user manual. For instance, whether your table saw is compatible with cutting blue boards or not can be found by checking the user manual.
Final Words
Let’s circle back to can you cut blue board with table saw or not. You can. In fact, table saws are one of the perfect tools that you can use to cut blue boards. So, as long as you own a table saw or intend to invest in one, you have no reason to worry about cutting blue boards.
However, I do recommend that you create an effective dust collection system for your table saw before moving toward cutting any materials.