Category Blog

Can I Cut Foam Insulation On A Table Saw?

Can I Cut Foam Insulation On A Table Saw

It’s surprising how diverse a table saw can be. Every time I analyze the things that my table saw can cut, I become impressed with the tool. One question I’ve recently researched is can I cut foam insulation on a…

Why Is My Table Saw So Loud?

Why Is My Table Saw So Loud

A loud table saw can put a strain on your desire to operate it. It’s such a common incident where people get frustrated with their tools and ask themselves, why is my table saw so loud? Isn’t there a way…

Why Is My Miter Saw Squealing? [4 Causes And Fixes]

Why Is My Miter Saw Squealing

A squealing miter saw is not something fun to work with. And it shouldn’t squeal, either. So, if you notice any squeaking or grinding noise coming out of the machine, it’s time to ask, why is my miter saw squealing?…